Painting is my passion.

Almost ten years ago, during a stroll in nature, I stumbled upon a beautifully rounded river rock. This discovery sparked inspiration in me, and I felt a strong desire to decorate it. I found myself particularly captivated by the intricate patterns of mandala designs. Then I discovered dot painting. It didn't take long before my new hobby turned into an obsession. I found myself giving more of my free-time & energy to exploring different mediums, paints & tools. Along the way I even discovered some unconventional approaches. These new techniques didn't have much documentation. So I had to pioneer & develop my own set of tools.

Fast-forward to today, I still paint everyday. I look for inspiration everywhere in life. And love the freedom it brings, being open minded to the creative process.

I hope my passion for dot painting inspires others to explore their creative passions.

Painting is my therapy.

Take some you time.

Finding time to paint is so important for my mental health. I use that time to decompress and reset for what the world brings. Maybe it can do the same for you.

Find your creativity.

I never knew I had this ability before I started painting. But my devotion really blossomed my creativity. There’s no right or wrong expression.

Ground your emotions.

Dot painting helps me manage the tough emotions of life. Painting fosters a positive mood, higher self-esteem, and more self-acceptance.